Saturday, March 04, 2006

I have PMT

Shut Up! Go AWAY! Why are you going away? come here. I love you. I Hate you! aaaaaggggghhhh!!!! I'm too hot, turn the fire on. NO not like that. You cant do anything!!!BRING ME CHOCOLATE!! I'm so fat. poor me. sniff, sniff. Stop making that breathing sound.Why arent you hugging me? Stop squashing me! BRING ME CHOCOLATE!!!

(does anyone want to live with me now?)


At 3:36 PM, Blogger Tim said...

Your totally nuts Jodie! When I met you I thought you seemed like a lovely girl - you've just ruined the facade!

At 5:26 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

its not just me tim, its all girls.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Jon said...

That is a day in the life of Jon Matthews.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Jon said...

And before anyone makes the obvious gag, I am on the recieving end!

At 7:48 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

poor becky. no blog means she cant stand up for herself. you bully Jon.

At 11:38 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

can I just say that my perfect husband has returned from the co-op with Ice cream, chocolate, biscuits, and alcohol.

At 11:17 AM, Blogger luke said...

by far the scariest blog I have ever read

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Men just have no idea what women have to go through. Between pre-MT, post-MT and menopausal angst, I get about 10 minutes a month when I'm human. Ask anyone.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

yeah I cant even take the pill cos it drives me crazy. I'm very dubious about using chemicals to mask natural hormones. I know it works well for some people, but not for me.

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

That sounds way too dodgy. Hideous as they are, periods are a natural part of life.

Having said that I take a pill to keep me sane(-ish).

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Hello, if you are around today, can you help me???!!! Am writing an extended '10 tips on green living' for another mag, but stuck on no7. Think I have made them too general and written myself out of ideas. If you can think of any let me know!!! It is aimed at general home-owner market (hm). Otherwise it will be '7 top tips', less catchy, but tough. (Have edited lots out of the below but you can see what is there.)

I have got:
1 – Reduce, re-use or recycle.
2 – Gas guzzling? If your energy supplier isn’t sourcing your gas or electricity from renewable sources, it’s time to ask them why not.
3 – Energy for Later. Encourage your family to save energy by turning off appliances and lights when not in use. Don’t let your son leave the PC on standby for two hours ‘because he’s at Level 6’.
4 – Bags are for Life (not just Fridays). Supermarket bags are a world problem – the recent Bangladeshi floodings were largely attributed to this plastic litter.
4 – Ditch the Rubber Gloves. We’re not advocating mould and bacteria, but a more traditional approach to house-cleaning.
5 – Use Farmers Markets.
6 – Walk to school.
7 - Buy Fairtrade Tea + Coffee.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Anna said...

That comment was v.badly written, but am losing will to blog.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Gah! Shut up now!

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Btw, I don't have PMT: this is my everyday life.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Anna said...


Am going now, as I am a total sad sack and must stop obsessing and embarrassing myself on other people's blogs. Should stick to my own.

At 1:48 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

Anna, u still there? have a few more ideas. do you have a hotmail account? cos it would be easier to chat over msn

At 1:59 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

ok, in case you read this.

8. only use the amount of water that you need, or use a teapot.

9. when occupying the bathroom: if its yellow, let it mellow, if its brown, flush it down.

10. get a savaplug for your fridge (reduce energy and save money off your bill)

11.(just in case you need more!)grow your own.(herbs are easiest to start with, but if you have a big garden plant apple trees!)

12. (for my own benefit now)start trading favours. if you are growing apples, exchange a bag of fruit for your neighbour to walk your kids to school with their little ones. take someones paper to the recycling point when you take yours.

13. Mother (or Grandma) knows best.
use old fashioned cleaning products. Lemon juice cuts trough grease. bicarb works on stains, vinegar shines windows beautifully, olive oil makes a great furniture polish. and all on the cheap! (may require elbow grease)

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Kewlio! Am gonna use water-saving, trading favours (can mention that community thing, whassit called? Damnit. GoshDAMNIT! There is a proper scheme isn't there?), and put grow-your-own as a whole nother section. That makes 10, I think. I put the trad cleaning stuff in 'Ditch the Rubber Gloves' and shall put savaplug in energy section.... yes yes, brilliant, thank you. Should you also be working?
Me too.

There are loads of farmer's markets and stuff round here - that section will be massive. A man in our village has 15 allotments! and sells cut flowers and veg. A lady who makes jam, notably lavender and nectarine-and-peach concoctions, mmm, yummy. It's paradise for ethical foodies, Devon.

I am gonna start a veg-box blog when I have time. (Never.)

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Tell me your address so I can send you a thank-you present!!!

At 3:42 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

hee hee! ok, but perhaps on a blog is not the best place for me to publish my address. I dont really want to pick up a stalker (not another one anyway, ben is enough).

I am ill at the moment, so using our new wireless connection to type in bed!! yay!

I am jealous, would love to be paid to write one or two days a week. My book is increasing in size by about one page a week, so should be ready sometime in the next century.

At 3:45 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

still, ready steady cook will be on soon, so not all bad.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Why do we need to save water? Don't we have an endless supply? This is obviously a bimbo question, but I just realised I don't know why I don't flush the toilet when I wee.

Answers on a postcard?

Good Grief, Dog!! Get a grip! I am sure you don't need a wee four times in ten minutes. It is a mockery you make of me. I am AT WORK, you know!!!!

At 4:55 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

although theres lots of water, theres not a lot of clean water. its on the news at the moment how our reservoirs are not re-filling because its not rained enough.

quite why it hasnt rained, I'm not sure.

I'm not sure if there is enough water. there certainly isnt in africa thats for sure. but you've got me scratching my head now.

my saving water habit has two roots: 1. my husband will shout at me if I dont

2. there was a section in sesame street when I was little about a boy who didnt turn his tap off when he brushed his teeth and it showed a fish in a pond with the water slowly draining out, and in the end the fish died.

it warped my fragile little mind!


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