Happy Easter!!
Dont worry, its not a factory farmed rabbit, just a regular sleepy house rabbit, wishing you a happy easter!So now the formalities of the season are over, we have some difficult decisions that we could do with advice on.
Promise we're not copying Kiera, but we are having severely cold feet about the Brighton move.
We calculated that over 3 years renting in Brighton we would excrete (nice word for poo) £25,200 or thereabouts down the drain. Coulpled with the fact that neither of us have jobs and we have no house there yet, we've (well, me really, my husband remains a warrior) got a bit scared.
So, after a lot of head scratching, we have come up with several options:
1. Move to Brighton as planned and pretend that we arent spending that much.
2. Stay in Brum and buy
3.Stay in Brum and rent somewhere cheap so we can save for a deposit
4. move in with parents
5. Squat
6. split up with Jon, get pregnant (by him obviously) and get a council flat, then get back together.
Our favourite option is number 2, we actually quite love some elements of Brum, and we both have steady(ish) jobs there. but the bank, set on kicking 'public sector' workers while the are down, wont give us much in the way of a morgage. So we may have to buy in a rubbish area.
So, obviously we are paralysed from making a decision until we have at least 100 comments...Go.
(I'm biased)
no beach in brum,
no trannie bars,
no luke
As an unbiased bistander I think the move to Brighton holds little to offer. If you love Brighton so much just visit there alot more. I think if at all possible it's probably best to buy coz you'll end paying almost the same in morgage repayments and have something to show for it. If you can take it move in with your parents for a year and save like crazy then reassess your option with a little bit more cash to play with.
Wisdom at such a yound age is rare so treasure my thoughts!
So Ben's wisdom is based souly on feelings of excitment!
You can get house-buying schemes for public sector workers, Jodes (can't remember what they call them) - have you found anything on that? We bought our first house with one (cos Steve works in NHS) - it was brilliant, not a loan, they just own part of your house (which is not as scary as it sounds - they don't actually live in the attic and I am not even sure who 'they' are).
If not, then go self-employed and choose a 'self-cert' mortgage where you just make up your salary. (and they believe you! woo hoo!) But then you do have to worry each month about paying it, but who cares?!
Have you been watching 'It's not easy being green'? I love them so much, and their watermill turbine is ace - get a house on a river. Hurrah!
It's time to plant spinach, onions, herbs and strawberries, so get a move on.
I know I love it, and the son is very easy on the eye!
We thought we could only get key worker support down south.and it seems like a load of hassle. but maybe its worth looking into again.
My spinach has already been planted, but it snowed the next day so I think its dead now.
we do, however, have some lovely primroses and daffs, which I might try eating.
i think buying is sensible so i am all for that. and bham is pretty cheap so i rekon its a good idea. it isn;t forever either and its only your first house. get on the ladder! i would if i could. sadly all i could get a mortgage for in london is a small shed.
don;t forget that house buying still costs money tho. fees etc and buying stuff to put in the house.
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