Sunday, March 19, 2006

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth....

... vengeance is mine sayeth Harold Bishop.

For those of you uninformed of such matters, Harold Bishop has, in the last week, tried to strangle Paul Robinson, the man thought to be responsible for the plane crash which killed Harolds family.

It led me to think (a little bit). If someone murdered my family. would I do a harold? or would I be able to be grace-ful and forgive?

and also, is it always appropriate to be non-violent? Are there times when violence is necessary?

see - neighbours is intellectually stimulating.


At 1:01 PM, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Harold has flipped obviously (incidentally in the Linden magazine, Tim O has written about his hero who happens to be Harold Bishop) and he will soon repent, I have no doubt.

When it comes to family or dogs, it is definitely an eye for an eye and the more painfully the better.

And I'm not entirely joking.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Dan said...

You know it's impossible to predict how I'd react if an Australian TV soap character offed my loved ones but I will say that I don't believe in revenge. Forgiveness is king, every time.

The time for non-violence is the time when Paul Robinson is actually in the process of killing your family.

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Tim said...

Firstly Liz is lying. Harold is one of my heroes but I wrote about Mother Teresa and merely quoted Mr Bishop. Harold is still my favourite character but I'm waiting for him to regain sanity and look at his wwjd band, admit his wrongs and become a total legend again.

It's times when our faith and beliefs are stretched that we truly see their value. I can’t say what my response would be if someone killed a member of my family but I’d hope that there was enough of God in me that eventually I could forgive.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

love your taking of the script to all of your hearts.

you are all a bit sad though.

I would like to reside firmly in the non-violence camp (mainly beause I am very feeble). but I can see there would be exceptions. If someone was trying to attack my sister or my daughter I would probably have to step in.

but do you think its possible to reason your way out of a situation rather than fighting back fire with fire?

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Tim Lovell said...

I think violence should be a last resort, but it was interesting that everybody said if their family was being attacked. I guess thats because we're talking about forgiveness, but would you step in and be violent and put your safety at risk for a stranger. I think that we should.

Also forgiveness does rule. Ben does not. I think the truth and reconciliation commission in South Africa is absolutely amazing. They seek to reconcile blacks and whites to each other after their experiences during aparthied. I know SA isn't perfect, but it is amazing that we saw a revolution without a civil war, and have seen the country be relatively peaceful since.

At 8:06 AM, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Oh, dear, everyone is being very serious.

I have stepped in when my dog was being picked upon (getting between two dogs is not a thing I'd recommend) and when my daughter was being bullied I wanted to step in (and do harm to the bully).

It would be amazing to be like the vicar and his daughter who forgave her rapist or the man in Inniskilen who forgave his daughter's killers. I would like to think that I would get to that point at some time but I find it hard to imagine. Anyway look what it did to Harold!

Anyway Paul Robinson has repented of his past and is trying to start again. And I like him.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Liz Hinds said...

P.S. You don't have to be scared, Benny - unless you hurt one of mine.

Tim, I didn't really lie - just was creative with the truth.

And, in my defence, a mother's instinct to protect her young (and ensure the survival of her gene pool) is very strong. Unlike the male of the species who is sometimes inclined to eat his young

At 5:46 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

Liz, I saw ben kick rob really hard.

Tim, do you think that stepping in to the aid of a stranger necessarily requires violence? could you talk an attacker down? or diffuse a situation before it becomes a situation?

At 4:54 PM, Blogger jodes da princess said...

yep. I keep a lot under my my superpowers.

(I actually would have thought twice about getting out of the car had it just been girls and not my hero husband!)


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