Saturday, December 17, 2005

My meat and two veg

Cliff says 'Eat Seasonal

'A wise man plants acorns when he knows he will never sit under their shade'

not sure who said that, its in the Howies catalogue (get it if you haven't already here:

What I'm talking about today is leaving a legacy. when you are old and grey and sitting in your rocking chair, what do you want to leave a smile on your face and a nice warm fuzzy feeling in your tummy?

It could be building a good family, but I think thats something everyone wants. I want us to dream bigger. I want to sit in my rocking chair (built by Jon in the house we built together) and think that I changed a generation for the better. Or at least a community. but if I dont start now, time is just going to tick on by.

So its the end of the year and about time to think of some resolutions I can keep (rather than give up work, or tv or eating for another year). This year, we're going to try to eat seasonally. its another little step on the eco-ladder, and one that us, and our children will reap the benefits of. For a start, eating seasonal means eating the best of the produce at the time its meant to be eaten. those wonderful ugly dirty carrots, and muddy chemical free potatoes that taste so good!
It also means lots of soup in the winter! but lots of yummy salads in the summer. and that, I think puts a bit of anticipation on things too. If you cant have something all year round, you enjoy it all the more when it happens!

It also means we cut down on those nasty air pollution fumes that are used to ship our perfect avocadoes, grapes and startfruit over here in the first place. and it means that maybe our farmer will get a little more money and plant some more vegetables, which we then get to enjoy!

It will also mean that our bodies will be healthy and natural (though I will always shave my armpits, I'm not that kind of natural) and that means super-fertile too, so we can have our little farm workers born by the time that we are fully operational in our house built of poo.

and it means that, sitting in our rocking chairs, watching our healthy grandchildren play in the green fields,breathing in the healthy fresh air, we'll be able to look our land and think, well, we made a difference. maybe only a small one, but a difference none the less, and we'll smile a bit. then make a cup of tea.

So whats your dream?
cos its not going to happen by itself.


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Tim Lovell said...

Great post Jodes. Usually the ones you spend most time on get fewest comments, then some other schmo writes a poorly spelt, ill thought out sentence, and gets about 600 comments. But thats life.

I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but I think that the title (or rather the stuff in the brackets) of your blog has a slightly different meaning now. Unless you're planning on splitting with your wonderful hubby that is. Coz Jess and Nick are 'NewlyDivorcees'. Not sure if it will make such enjoyable viewing as their last series'. Nick sitting at home by himself, playing computer, career failing, scratching himself. Jessica, struggling to understand anything at all, making increasingly bad career choices, spending 7 hours a day shopping and getting manicures. Then again, maybe it wont be that different...


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