does the world deserve to be saved?
well the UN report published on last friday, telling very real predictions of our impending self destruction, was long over due.these facts have been well known for a long time, thank god they are finally, in all their totality, out in public. even more importantly, all nations under the UN now have a responsibilty to accept the UN report, believe in the changing climate, and respond. the debate is over.
or is it?
you know i'm just not sure if humanity deserves to be saved? chinas response to the report was clear (and fair): "why should you (the west) stop us modernising, when you have been doing it for years unregulated?" well yes thats right we've got ourselves into trouble, lets focus on the east (takes the pressure off us now) and make it their problem. well who buys all the equipment and goods made in china? we do. one brit emits the same amount of co2 as a chinaman, its just they have a bigger population. Is the problem really china?
india's response was even more interesting, and the crux of the problem i think. the indian high commissioner to the uk said: "the country's without the sun have the money to make new technologies, and the ones with the sun don't. you pay for it, you give us the technology and we'll use it! we are a developing nation, with thousands even without electricity, and we have have to stop developing?" why should they? we have electricity, we have a health care system....they don't. they have the right to develop, the right for basic infrastructures, don't they?
we take from the east, we created an economy that sustains these problems, we drip feed them technology as though its our western ego-centric capitalist right, when really it a human right.
for too long has business has controlled the way this world spins, the way humanity acts towards other humans. a time is coming when money wont matter, a time is coming when humanity will merely be history, remebered for its greed and lack of "human-ness".
this world needs to choose life, not business. make no mistake profit seeking is killing us.