Sunday, February 26, 2006

Am I elderly?

I'm a bit worried. I have just discovered the joy of Songs of praise.
I love singing hymns. Loud. My favourite is How great Thou Art. I even love it when they let lovely Aled sing a bit. theres a lovely Cliff Richardy quality to the boy, and the whole programme really. In fact I imagine Cliffs life to be a bit like an episode of songs of praise. except with more screaming ladies, and wine.

Monday, February 20, 2006

No word of a lie

I got chased through new street station by a dinosaur this morning.

No, really.

Unless somone put waccy baccy in my porridge.

It was one of those moments when you have to question if you really got out of bed and got dressed. One of those moments where parallel universes collide to make one surreal minute.

It was far too early on a monday morning for microsoft to try out a new fancy dress leaflet campaign.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

my sis has a blog!

go see her at (not even going to attempt a link this time!)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

see pringy dance!!!

discovered this fab video of a pring-lookalike dancing. the video to click on is 'a million ways' proper funny!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brat Camp

Just been watching 'Brat Camp' on Channel 4. Basically, 7 severely messed up, unhappy girls get taken into the wilderness in Utah and made to survive away from drugs, families and alcohol, with the hope that they will reform when stripped of their identities.

Got me thinking. Can this kind of thing really work for behaviour change in the long term? Or will it have what many profound writers call the 'spring harvest effect' whereby an intense experience leads to promises of behaviour change but actually, once back in the same environment from which you came, that change doesnt occur to such a dramatic effect.

Also, how much of the blame for behaviour rests with the parents? by demonising the kids there is no explanation of how the children got that way in the first place. although obviously there isnt always such a straightforeward cause and effect, but surely the parents have to accept some of the responsibility and enrol in parents-of-a-brat camp?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Things I like about weekends...

That Friday Feeling (now I dont work shifts!)
Lie-ins with my husband
The Guardian On Saturday
Friends on telly at a reasonable hour
Making bread
Jonathan Ross on Radio 2
The Guardian TV paper
Getting our vegetables delivered
Going to the co-op
Getting dressed up and going out on a saturday night
Going to church (yes, really!)
Seeing Friends
Eating whatever Tom has made at church

Things I hate about weekends:
Saturday afternoon TV
Sunday bedtime