Tuesday, September 27, 2005

my serious contribution

ok guys, bored of the money debate, so time for some of the thoughts in my head.
Living and especially working in a very multicultural area, I have been thinking about the new urgency, or so it seems, to get everyone living together in one big cultural melting point understanding and loving one another in a lovely nirvanic way.

this strikes me as a bit silly. sure in an ideal world we could all live together without racism without misunderstanding and in neighbourly love. but does the government seriously think thats gonna happen? and is that even what people want?

People of similar cultures gather together in communities because they have a shared culture and a shared understanding of life, just like clubs or even churches. when people from england move overseas they often congregate together, in ex-pat groups etc.

Rather than try to break-up these groups, surely we should be teaching about cultural diversity in nurserys and primary schools to embrace the differences we have. greater understanding is what is needed not separation. or this another case of the nanny state trying to divide and conquer?

Sunday, September 25, 2005


We are entertaining singlehursts for the day, and Justyn has just admitted to having had a cheeky wack off on my bed at uni...gross. anyone have any other confessions? come on guys...time to get accountable.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Will people please learn to spell my name right?

SCRIVENER...SCRIVENER how hard is that? its bad enough that I have had to let go of the bastian of fine english sirnames that Crossman was, but please people, dont join the ranks of the Coop, the royal college of nursing and heartlands hospital in spelling my name like a german.

Other than this, I have had a productive day. note that my blog now has links. I am SO smart!

Plus my ward manager has phoned to tell me to take an extra day off to get better. how nice is that? most managers want staff in work no matter if they are crippled, dying or deranged, so to have one that cares is really rare.

there are too few genuinely nice people left in the world.

I'm poorly!

Antibiotics and everything!! proper boo. would appreciate sympathy flowers and chocolate.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century

bit reticent about starting my own blogspot. do people really want to hear my deepest musings over the internet? (that is a rhetorical question - do not reply!!). but figured maybe this is a good way to stay in touch and keep the bullying of Rob and Ben alive. besides, I have time on my hands cos I'm on nights. boring. how do you add a photo?