health and wealth
Went to see The Constant Gardener last night. For those of you that havent yet, go and see it. right now. sell your pets if you need to, sell your friends if you must.
Its basically about this guy in Africa whose wife dies and he finds out shes been murdered cos shes been trying to uncover a scheme where african people are used to test unliscenced drugs without full consent. if they dont agree to the testing they are denied any medical treatment.
Its a heartbreaker of a film, and one that makes you feel a bit helpless. Its based on a true story, and it is something that goes on with startling regularity in African Countries. It struck me that I use so many drugs on a day to day basis (being a nurse, not a junkie!) and how many of them are made and tested unethically? theres a real dilemma there because in order to give life to one person, it may be taken away from someone else. Is it wrong to Kill 65 people getting a formula right when the drug itself will save millions of lives?
This is a big dilemma. I hate that I have so much privelage because I was born here. Health care comes to us without a second thought. I mean, without wanting to be insensitive, look at George Best. I dont want to take away from the fact that his death is a huge tragedy for his family, and that alcoholism is a terrible disease, but the guy went through two livers, and still continued to abuse his body, and yet he is being remembered as a demi-God. We forget so easily how much of a privalege we have in Britain.
Usually seeing a film like this would make me want to take action. But what action can I take this time? if I boycott the drug companies that has implications for my patients wellbeing and for my own professional well being, but then if I dont do anything nothing will change.
Ideas please!!
Immortal, Invisible...
I've been thinking recently, does God change?
What I mean is, I've changed a huge deal in the last year or so, and my view of God and understanding of God has changed with it. But has God changed with that or is he the same forever and always?
I know that the bible says God is unchanging, but then at the same time there are bits in the bible where God seems to change both in Character and decisions.
but those of you who know me well know that I am not keen on using the bible to demonstrate instances of absolute truth.
however, part of me sees Gods creation and how changeable it is, both in the short term (weather, emotions) and in the long term too (changes in the ice caps, the ageing process). If creation is the image of God, perhaps God is changeable too?
My other thought is that creation seems to change in response to something a human does, I.E. Global Warming, or even footprints in the snow. Perhaps God changes in response to how we see him or respond to him? Perhaps God is Charismatic to a Charismatic Christian, Allah to a Muslim, or even absent to an Atheist?
for all you single guys...
follow this link for some advice on dating the way Jesus would.
weekly musings
my thoughts this week have been rather fleeting, christmas, babies, houses, krispy kremes...
walked past the krispy creme (creme or Kreme?) kiosk 6 times so far this week, hoping for the orange light which means free doughnuts. No joy so far...but there is a huge pile of doughnuts outside the shop, some kind of world record attempt. there is no justice. why pile doughnuts where starving nurses can see and smell them but, alas cannot afford them, or at the least cant justify the cost against, say, a house deposit, or renewable electricity.
walking through town has made me feel rather christmassy though. and I can finally wear gloves. I long all through the summer for a time when it is cold enough to wear some woolly gloves. it makes me feel like Ally Macbeal.
Theres a bit on the news at the moment about how pre schools are going to have to meet standards like ofsted. I am angry. why cant children be children any more? we would seriously consider home schooling, even though we run the risk of having wierdo kids already. but I want my kids to think that fun is the most important thing, not knowledge.
I want to be a parenting advisor. I'd love it. only thing is I dont think anyones gonna listen to a little punk who has none of her own. its all very well being idealistic, but its putting it all into practice when crunch point comes.
Now theres a bit about Kentucky where they have just opened a museum of 'Biblical Truth' with dinosaurs playing with Adam and Eve. this strikes me as a good debate topic. does anyone still believe in the whole 7 days, and lots of poo story, or is it just americans?
With that I shall leave you...owwwww. just got garlic in my eye...
I got the job!!!!
not sure how really but I did! apparently I interviewed really well. all that remains now is to hand in my notice, which is kind of scary. I hate doing that. feel like I'm letting people down. anyhoo, all of your sexual health problems can now be tackled (ewxcuse the pun) by my good self!
Just watched that channel 4 programme about adopting. decided it is definately something we want to do somewhere in the future when we are older, wiser and more financially viable. anyone else ever thought about adopting?
feeling fairly sorry for myself
hmm. After a lovely weekend, not such a great week. I've worked 30 hours in the last 3 days and am officially knackered.
Had a job interview which went spectacularly badly too. I pretty much ended up talking myself out of a job by saying I had a very poor attendance record and didnt really want to work with people with STI's. Oh well, looks like I'll see the new year in scooping up poo.
I hate interviews, theres always a million things you come out and think 'damn, I should have said that.' plus theres always a Good cop, bad cop routine between interviewers. one who smiles at you like you're their little one in a school play, and the other who looks like she would happily nail things into your fingernails given half a chance, and by the way how dare you come and ask for a job here...on your knees bitch, beg for it if you want it so bad...
(got a little carried away there)
I had an interview once where the interviewer actually told me off during the interview...she actually wagged her finger at me. then I started my job, and guess who's matron!?finger wagger herself.and she's been telling me off ever since.
any hellish interview stories to make me feel better about myself?